A journey against the pain

A journey
against the pain

Pakumed introduced an innovative solution against the discomfort of hemorrhoids. My task was to craft an engaging motion graphics advertisement that not only educates viewers about the tool's advantages but also resonates emotionally, vividly capturing the experience of pain and the subsequent relief.

Show it but don't show the obvious: abstract visual language

Show it but don't show the obvious:
abstract visual language

To convey emotions effectively, I decided to utilize an abstract visual language. To depict pain, I employed a fast, pulsating animation. This conveyed discomfort effectively. In contrast, moments of relief were depicted with vibrant colors and lush floral surroundings.

Sound Design

Sound design played a pivotal role in enhancing the emotional journey. Grumbling sounds represented discomfort, while soft, classical music matched the relief moments.

Complex rigging for complex emotions

In this animation project, a sophisticated rigging system for the main character was vital.  This system done with DUIK Angela and Joysticks 'n' Sliders for After Effects allowed me to portray the emotions of pain and relief realistically. It gave me control over body posture, head rotation and even the positions of the shoulders, creating a genuine portrayal of feelings.

Say hello!

Curious to explore the possibilities? Your ideas, my expertise – reach out and let's start the conversation!

Say hello!

Curious to explore the possibilities? Your ideas, my expertise – reach out and let's start the conversation!

Say hello!

Curious to explore the possibilities? Your ideas, my expertise – reach out and let's start the conversation!